Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Uses and side effects of Abreva

Abreva is an over the counter topical antiviral drug. It is used in Herpes simplex infection. Abreva significantly shortens the recovery time of cold sores associated with a Herpes simplex infection. Its generic name is Docosanol. It is available as a topical cream. Side effects are usually rare.

Cold sores are caused by Herpes simplex viral infection. This virus resides inside the nerves. Once the patient’s immunity is lowered, virus reactivates and causes cold sores.  So this illness is a recurrent and troublesome. Usually it cannot be treated completely. It usually spreads through close physical contact and by sharing clothes.

What are the things you should know before using Abreva?

Abreva can be applied to face, skin, lips or genitalia. It should be applied after cleaning the area with water and soap. It should also be applied with a clean hand. It should be applied five times a day. You should not share this medication with anyone, because disease can spread through it. Do not apply this medication to eyes or inside the mouth.

When to inform your doctor before using Abreva?

It is important to discuss with your doctor if you are pregnant or breast feeding before using Abreva. If you are taking other drugs including other over the counter drugs, then you should consult your doctor before taking this preparation. If you have any medical condition that needs long term medications, then you should consult your doctor before taking Abreva as well.

If you have following conditions inform your doctor before taking this medication.

* Kidney disease
* Diabetes
* Liver disease

If the skin surrounding the blisters are becoming increasingly red then you should inform your doctor. It may be a sign of secondary bacterial infection that may need antibiotics.

What are the serious side effects that need immediate medical help?

Sometimes serious allergic reaction called anaphylactic reaction can occur. It is characterized by widespread hives, itchiness, difficulty in breathing, chest tightness and edema of lips and tongue. If you develop these features, urgent medical help must be sought.

What are the other side effects?

Sometimes less significant allergic reactions (hives, itchiness and edema of the lips) can occur. You should discuss with your doctor if you develop allergic reactions.

Skin irritation in and around the applied area is also a common side effect. Some patients can get headache with this medication. But it can be controlled with over the counter pain killers such as Acetaminophen.


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